Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Tale of Dem Threes

Dem Threes arrived from multi-corners of this great country of ours (a) Mark “Z” Man with his wife Julie “Z-Woman and father in law Eck “Honey” Miller as well as Gary “RX” and Juli “Da Teach” Jones and Greg “Cold Smoke” and [much!] better half “Maryn County” all from South Carolina; (b) John “The Poet” and “Susan The Smile” Williams from Georgia; (c) “Kayak Mary” Van Kerrebrook and son Bob “Anyfish” Corpening from Texas; (d) Matt “Z-Son” Zion from Utah; and (e) the balance of the sixteen from that foreign country California all in hopes of escaping the cold, cold Montana weather witnessed before them by the Ones and Twos only to find that the local Missoula rivers were still a-ragin’ what with continued rain interspersed with (finally!!) warmer weather but continued tough fishing 2018 fishing conditions.


Living to their name, Dem Threes posted but three fish to the Twenty Inch Board, the fish of the trip by Brian “Moraine” Shepard and two last day entries by his fishy son Nicholas “The Czar” Shepard.  But the tale of it all was to be found not on the gravel and sand bars but, rather, around the feasting tables what with olive bars, salad bars, potato bars and, best of all, a never-dry bourbon bar, the latter of which saw multiple empty bottles creating “artwork” in the outdoor fire pit which raged well into the Threes travel day homeward bound!


Three of Dem Threes landed their first trout ever (John “The Poet”, “Susan The Smile, and Eck “Honey” Miller—each receiving an honorary Yellow Hat for this special accomplishment); one boat posted its boat report on their day on Georgetown Lake (an Extravaganza first thanks to “Kayak Mary’s” desire to find calm waters on which to ply her name-invoking tradecraft); multiple “off the books” reports were logged including and Extravaganza first of Greg “Cold Smoke” lassoing a swallow (not as in bourbon but as in a flying object) with his artfully thrown fly line; and the beat never seemed to stop—not for one single moment—without gales of laughter, extraordinary rapport and a grand summary of the purpose of the Extravaganza:  To bring folks to this special part of the earth, to enjoy its beauties and, thereafter, to give back more than what was received. 


Dem Threes embodied this creed much to everyone’s mutual benefit and accomplishment.


Bravo, bravo, bravo Threes!!





MNHC Rocks!!

Thurston Elfstrom, Executive Director of the Montana Natural History Center addresses Dem Threes on E-18’s targeted fundraise—distance education tools to educate the youth of Montana on the state’s flora and fauna, for which this year’s Extravaganzers collectively raised over $30,000. 


Bravo, bravo, bravo!





Turbidity Remotely

Dem Threes, like the Ones and Twos before them, were distance educated by the Montana Natural History Center on the elements of “Turbidity”.



Bob Wire Honky Tonks Dem Threes!!!




Nicholas "The Czar" Rules Day Three!!




The South Rose Yet Ag'in for Dem Threes!!!




Group Three Day One Yellows!

From left to right:  John “The Poet” Williams, Susan “The Smile” Williams, Brian “Moraine and Eck “Honey” Miller—all but the tallest for their first trout ever landed; the tallest for his longest, a 22” beauty of a Bitterroot brown!



And Day Two's Yellow Hat Winner is...

…South Carolina’s own Gary “RX” Jones for his 19” Bitterroot cuttbow



Peanut (chair top) Recites the Three's Evening Menu!



Boots & Griz

Newly engaged Extravaganza veterans Trina “Boots” Clausen and Shane “Griz” MacIntyre dazzle Dem Threes!



TU's MT E.D. David Brooks Addressed Dem Threes!




Group Three pics!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

American wouldn’t let us on our flight. . .

So we are flying through LA and will arrive Missolua at around 6pm.  We will get a cab to whereever you tell us to go.  I AM SO SORRY!!   

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 21, 2018, at 3:51 PM, Ron Clausen <> wrote:

The Third Edition of Extravaganza 2018 is on deck and, with the distance most must travel, the plurality of the Group (as in almost all) will arrive on the scene a day early to assure that any travel interruptions do not debar their ability to participate in this year's event.  As was the case last year (as shown above) this Group has a singular mind of its own and shares is open irreverence with all who may wish to participate for, once again, with the arrival of the Magnificent Threes, The South Will Arise Ag'in"!!


Heading up the chaos in that regard is South Carolinian veteran Mark "Z-Man" along with his (much) better half Julie "Z-Woman" Zion who, this year, will be introducing the Extravaganza to their son Matthew "Z-Son" and Z-Woman's father Eck "Z-In-law" Miller...what a foursome to begin with!  If that were not enough, fellow returning South Carolinians Gary "RX" Jones and his special bride Juli "Da Teach" Zion will wind their way here only to reunite with North Carolinian veterans Greg "The Gamut" Canniff and his gorgeous bride "Maryn County" Caniff.


Re aligning themselves out of their traditional Group On slots, dear long time fellow traveler Brian "Moraine" Shepard will be bringing both daughter "Beautiful Eliza" and son "Nicholas The Tsar" as well as his business partner's daughter Alia "Snowflake" Rodgers all of whom will be hanging out in our Blackfoot House along with returning Texans "Kayak Mary" Van Kerrebrook and son Bob "Manifish" Corpening—the latter arriving on one of the first non-s stop flights ever from Dallas to MSO!


In this veteran studded group, Georgia newbies/rookies John and Susan Williams will be on the scene for their first Extravaganza ever and, if the weather predictions hold true, the Magnfiicient Threes should be greeted with a rarity for this year's event, to wit:  blue skies, warm weather and, blessedly, no rain…but we shall see on that (whether-or-not) front!!


Bring it on Threes!!


Best to all from the soggy scene of it all,






Thursday, June 21, 2018

Announcing the Line Up of Them Southern Threes!

The Third Edition of Extravaganza 2018 is on deck and, with the distance most must travel, the plurality of the Group (as in almost all) will arrive on the scene a day early to assure that any travel interruptions do not debar their ability to participate in this year’s event.  As was the case last year (as shown above) this Group has a singular mind of its own and shares is open irreverence with all who may wish to participate for, once again, with the arrival of the Magnificent Threes, The South Will Arise Ag’in”!!


Heading up the chaos in that regard is South Carolinian veteran Mark “Z-Man” along with his (much) better half Julie “Z-Woman” Zion who, this year, will be introducing the Extravaganza to their son Matthew “Z-Son” and Z-Woman’s father Eck “Z-In-law” Miller...what a foursome to begin with!  If that were not enough, fellow returning South Carolinians Gary “RX” Jones and his special bride Juli “Da Teach” Zion will wind their way here only to reunite with North Carolinian veterans Greg “The Gamut” Canniff and his gorgeous bride “Maryn County” Caniff.


Re aligning themselves out of their traditional Group On slots, dear long time fellow traveler Brian “Moraine” Shepard will be bringing both daughter “Beautiful Eliza” and son “Nicholas The Tsar” as well as his business partner’s daughter Alia “Snowflake” Rodgers all of whom will be hanging out in our Blackfoot House along with returning Texans “Kayak Mary” Van Kerrebrook and son Bob “Manifish” Corpening—the latter arriving on one of the first non-s stop flights ever from Dallas to MSO!


In this veteran studded group, Georgia newbies/rookies John and Susan Williams will be on the scene for their first Extravaganza ever and, if the weather predictions hold true, the Magnfiicient Threes should be greeted with a rarity for this year’s event, to wit:  blue skies, warm weather and, blessedly, no rain…but we shall see on that (whether-or-not) front!!


Bring it on Threes!!


Best to all from the soggy scene of it all,





Announcing the Line Up of Them Southern Threes!

The Third Edition of Extravaganza 2018 is on deck and, with the distance most must travel, the plurality of the Group (as in almost all) will arrive on the scene a day early to assure that any travel interruptions do not debar their ability to participate in this year’s event.  As was the case last year (as shown above) this Group has a singular mind of its own and shares is open irreverence with all who may wish to participate for, once again, with the arrival of the Magnificent Threes, The South Will Arise Ag’in”!!


Heading up the chaos in that regard is South Carolinian veteran Mark “Z-Man” along with his (much) better half Julie “Z-Woman” Zion who, this year, will be introducing the Extravaganza to their son Matthew “Z-Son” and Z-Woman’s father Eck “Z-In-law” Miller...what a foursome to begin with!  If that were not enough, fellow returning South Carolinians Gary “RX” Jones and his special bride Juli “Da Teach” Zion will wind their way here only to reunite with North Carolinian veterans Greg “The Gamut” Canniff and his gorgeous bride “Maryn County” Caniff.


Re aligning themselves out of their traditional Group On slots, dear long time fellow traveler Brian “Moraine” Shepard will be bringing both daughter “Beautiful Eliza” and son “Nicholas The Tsar” as well as his business partner’s daughter Alia “Snowflake” Rodgers all of whom will be hanging out in our Blackfoot House along with returning Texans “Kayak Mary” Van Kerrebrook and son Bob “Manifish” Corpening—the latter arriving on one of the first non-s stop flights ever from Dallas to MSO!


In this veteran studded group, Georgia newbies/rookies John and Susan Williams will be on the scene for their first Extravaganza ever and, if the weather predictions hold true, the Magnfiicient Threes should be greeted with a rarity for this year’s event, to wit:  blue skies, warm weather and, blessedly, no rain…but we shall see on that (whether-or-not) front!!


Bring it on Threes!!


Best to all from the soggy scene of it all,





Two's Speakers

On separate nights, (a) Tess Scanlan from the national office of Trout Unlimited and (b) National Wildlife Federation’s Western Region ED Tom France presented to the Twos, the former on TU’s efforts to fully preserve our home waters’ Rock Creek and the latter on the multi various efforts of NWF in its continued legacy to preserve and perpetuate wolves, bison, beavers and bighorn sheep in Montana’s plains and western watersheds.  Bravo and thanks, both!!



The Two's Women Score Big!!

Perpetual Tattoo purveyor of Yellow, Mardi “CT” Rodgers doffs her once-again-earned Yellow Hat for her 21” brown caught on Day Three and veteran Christine “Double Rainbow” Sweeney shows off her Yellow Shirt, awarded for the biggest Group Two fish caught (and released), a 30” Big Blackfoot River bulltrout.  Congrats, both…indeed, you each rock!!



Honorary Yellows

Our resident caretakers “Late Larry”, “Pernicious Peanut” and “Jack of all Trades Jayson” Tofanelli sport their honorary Yellow Hats, awarded to them for their untiring and excellent service  to this and the prior two years Extravaganzas!! 


Congrats and thanks!!!!


Rock Creek Ron





Turbidity School

The Tattoos were treated to distance education in the form of a class on Turbidity (as subject that they saw first-hand each of their three fishing days) taught by the Montana History Center and presented live to them on their last night…the continued wonders of modern science!!



Three Generations Sign into our Twenty Inch Club!!!

Not only was this the first time ever that three generations fished together in a single Extravaganza group but, get this, each made it onto our cherished Twenty Inch Club Board.  Above grandson Jack “Son of Maven”, father Brad “Maven” and grandfather Jack “Sockless” Miller each bless our board with their quarry.