Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Tale of The Twos!

The Twos, aka “The Tattoos”, blew in and out of town with hardly a dry moment to share amongst themselves.  Whereas Dem Ones fished every day in blistering rain with temps hovering in the mid-50’s, the Twos followed suit with rain each of their three fishing days with us, but with temps increasing into the (balmy?!?) mid-60’s. 


While fish sightings were a rare event what with 100 year high water levels, in and amongst the backwater channels of the Bitterroot River and the upper climes of the Blackfoot River, fish (and bigger fish ) were there for the asking, with eleven (count ’em!) entries on the Twenty Inch Board, including two each by Mardi “CT” Rodgers, Stuart “LA” Marlborough and Jordy “Sockless” Miller and the Yellow Shirt winning 30” bulltrout of sweet veteran Christine “Double Rainbow” Sweeney.


And the antics of the now all-veteran Twos continue in rare style a la Tim “Squawfish” Rodgers living up to his adopted name by emailing to Headquarters his entry of a “31” Brown Trout” which, upon careful scrutiny was a photo shopped version of a 31” squawfish whose torso was artfully overlaid onto the body of daughter CT’s earlier caught 20” brown—quite a feat considering it was accomplished on a boat in the rain with minimal connectivity as well as those of Brad “Maven” Miller, Mike “Mitts” Querrey, and Baylacq father wisely getting off the water and out of the rain early on Day Three only to (unwisely?) adjourn to a local brewery in Stevensville which ascribed to itself the label of “the oldest brewery in Montana”, many a pint of which was quaffed to quench the quivering thirst of this questionable band of thrill-questing otherwise would-be anglers…


“It was a good lunch” that was the tale told in many of the Two’s boat reports (our code name for better fishing days ahead for our fisherfolk) which was reflected in the dearth of pictures the Twos will post to their account, but the conclusion of it all was highlighted with the commitment of each and every Two to return to the scene of it all in E-19 knowing in advance that Mother Nature threw at them all of the wrath and fury that She had to offer only to be fully ignored as yet but another indignity that the wonderful Tattoos have learned to receive with élan and dismiss with ease!


Bravo, Twos—you rock here on Rock Creek!!


Rock Creek Ron




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